If you have a web page then you share its link via WhatsApp but you did not see an image thumbnail of your page, you must be missing these meta tags on your page: 1: title Maximum of 65 characters 2: description Maximum of 155...

Source Codes & Coding Tutorials
If you have a web page then you share its link via WhatsApp but you did not see an image thumbnail of your page, you must be missing these meta tags on your page: 1: title Maximum of 65 characters 2: description Maximum of 155...
For example, you want to debug a website but it does not use jQuery and you are used to use jQuery. So don’t worry, just open the console window and paste this code then you will be able to debug the site using jQuery: If...
This free asset from yasurkula is very nice, it allows you to pick image file from your Android device easily, it also deals with app permission so you can just call a single function to request permission, so easy! Here is the link to the...
In this blog post I will share a simple script that I’ve made to randomize what game object to be instantiated at a certain position as a child game object. For example, a car game object needs random accessories to be instantiated at certain area...
Hello guys, I was trying to use Unity AI Car script from Ahmedsaed (https://github.com/Ahmedsaed/CarAI-Unity) but I found it somehow interesting but to me it’s too complicated. Then I decided to modify it to make it simpler. I don’t want the NavMesh thingy that he used...
I am using Unity Ads and very happy. Recently there is a newer version of Unity Ads, which is version 4.12.0 and somehow I got problem when exporting my game as Android apk. I realized that this update is useless to me. I tried to...
I was trying to install GoPro Player on my computer then it asked me to install HEVCV Codec and it was somehow annoyed to me how to get it downloaded and installed. GoPro Player requires a device that’s HEVC-compatible to play HEVC videos. HEVC is...
Hello guys. There is a nice free and open source project on GitHub that you can use to make your airplane mobile game. Check out this aircraft physic source code on GitHub: https://github.com/gasgiant/Aircraft-Physics/tree/master Well, the example scene is working fine and you can control your...
In this post I will show you two examples about how to use WordPress Rest API v2 to, for example, get a post content from your website, or any other WordPress sites. Example 1 – How to get post content by post ID Make sure...
In this blog post I will share some video tutorials about how to make your own Unity multiplayer game using Photon Fusion for free… Here is the list of videos: 1. Introduction 2. Basic example 3. Player Nickname – Basic 4. Player Nickname – Random...
I’ve been struggling on building an iOS web app using Cordova, because whatever I did, the web app can not run jQuery get function because of CORS Policy problem in iOS WebKit WebView. Before Apple forced us to use WKWebView there were no problem at...
I figured out how to find any words between “(” and “)” symbols in my text files using Notepad++. Just do a regex search like this screenshot: Use this: \(.*?\) in your search dialog and activate Regular Expression radio box. EDIT: Make sure to uncheck...
Working on a simple coding job and facing this red message on dev console: locked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ What to do? I simply make this htaccess file to bypass CORS policy:
Let’s say we have our local webserver, in my case I use XAMPP so I can have a local web in my localhost. Then, by accessing this local web page over wifi from my mobile phone web browser, I can upload some files from my...
For a poor guy like me especially when I want to develop iOS apps, I should have a Mac to install XCode and begin developing apps. But fortunately, there is an opportunity to me to install macOS in my existing PC using VMWare! Here is...
In case you need to make a countdown in your website, here is a handy JavaScript code you can use. Just edit the variable countDownDate and set it the date you want, then run the JS. Watch the console log counting the seconds. It will...
This is a video tutorial showing you how to make a friendly object/character that will follow the player object anywhere it goes. For example in this game I have FPS character controller, and wherever I go I can make that friendly object walks following me...
Hi, in this blog post I will start a tutorial series about how to make rocket launcher shooting game in Unity. I already have the game ready. It is a FPS game with Skibidi Toilet monsters around and we need to escape and run away...
I have some lens flare files that I usually use and I forgot where did I get it, I believe I got it from internet. So I return it back to internet so you guys can use it too. Here is the link I stored...
This simple script is to connect the game to Photon server and instantiate a player prefab on your Resources folder. Make sure your player prefab has PhotonView component in it. Check out this video on how to use it: Ready to develop more? Watch out...