In this tutorial I want to show you how to retrieve currency exchange rate quote from Yahoo Finance using JavaScript.
Author: Habibie
How can we read and write a file using JavaScript
Basically, JavaScript can not read and write a file. But it should be clearer: JavaScript can not read and write a file “on server”. What about on client side? Yes, JavaScript can read and write file on client side.
Creating expandable and collapsible menu list with JavaScript
Here is JavaScript & HTML source code to show you how to make expandable and collapsible menu list.
How to save, retrieve and remove data with JavaScript and HTML5
Thanks to localStorage. Saving, retrieving and removing temporary data is very easy. To save data, we call this function: localStorage.setItem(); To retrieve data, we call localStorage.getItem(); and to remove it we call localStorage.removeItem();.
JavaScript thousand separator
This is simple script will convert any raw number into string format with thousand separator. It is useful if you want to show a currency formatted number. Remember, converted value is string, not number.
JavaScript and comma separated string
We can create a single variable that contains string data, which this string data holds several data separated by comma. For example, I create this string: “Andy,New York,28,Journalist”. This single string contains 4 data separated by comma. Now the problem is how to extract this...
Easy HTML5 video tutorials
In this YouTube playlist we share some video tutorials for you to learn HTML5 easily.
Easy JavaScript Video Tutorials
By watching videos in this playlist you can learn JavaScript easily. We show step by step example in our tutorials. We will add next videos in this playlist regularly by the time.
Counting how much time elapsed using JavaScript
If we have two variables A and B, and the both of their values is time, how do we measure the distance between those variables?
How to make HTML5 Canvas goes full screen
Sometime you want to create HTML5 with specific dimension, and then you make browser zooms on it to full screen.
How to include HTML script by using JavaScript
You know HTML pages is static. We can create dynamic website by mixing HTML and another language, such as PHP.
Creating JavaScript toggle button
In this video I will show how simple is to make JavaScript toggle button to hide or show an element on HTML document.
Play and stop image sequences with pure Javascript
Did you ever try to play image sequences, maybe frame by frame animated cartoon or any sequences with Javascript?
Navigating previous and next page based on file name number
Do you have sequental html pages named from 1.html to 100.html (or whatever the number) and you want to navigate between them? With this javascript code you can navigate to next and previous page easily.
Easily change style & CSS source using Javascript
If you have several CSS file as your web theme, then you must allow your user to switch between one of them. Here is the simple way using Javascript to switch CSS source:
Sticky Find in Page Toggle with Jquery and CSS
Searching and finding some text in a single web page using JavaScript is easy.