In this video I am trying to make an airplane that can take off and be controlled using my WASD buttons on my keyboard. It is somehow an experiment and also a tutorial, so please don’t be mad if I made mistakes in this video...
Author: Habibie
Unity Random Prefab Spawner Script
This script that I want to share with you is a simple script to generate randomly spawned prefab objects across your Unity scene. To use it, first make some multiple empty game objects as spawn points on your scene at different positions. Then apply a...
How to fix this Unity error: unity Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax…
It’s somehow annoying when I got this error in Unity: unity Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema I got this error when I tried to add new GoogleMobileAds package to Unity. I got the error when I build my project. After googling around, finally the...
Easiest way to save a List variable to PlayerPrefs in Unity
Using PlayerPrefs in Unity is very useful to save and load user/player’s game data. But, problem is our player data is not always as simple as single string, or integer or float value of variable. For example, how do we store a List to PlayerPrefs?...
How to type something then it should redirect us to another page in HTML and JavaScript
I made this tutorial to answer a question asked to me about how to make something that if we type a word than it redirects us to some page. So I do this in HTML and JavaScript, and I hope I did not get it...
How to save and retrieve data in WordPress using get_options and update_options
In WordPress development, we often need to save and retrieve simple data in our database. By using get_options and update_options in WordPress this thing become super easy. Let’s say we want to save and retrieve a data called “User’s age”. First of all, we need...
Some handy PHP functions to create database table and add a column to it easily
I personally really like to do “make a table if not exists” and “add a column if not exists” to mysql database when working with PHP. By doing that I don’t have to manually create table and add column before populating it with data from...
How to make custom page for your plugin inside WordPress admin dashboard
Depending on what kind of plugin you are making, sometimes you want to make a settings page for your plugin so users can play around with the settings to control the way your plugin works. So how to make custom settings page for your plugin...
How to ride WordPress and use it’s database configurations to create our own tables and columns
When making a WordPress plugin sometimes we need to do some database operations, such as making table, adding column, inserting new data, updating data and so on. We can use current WordPress database connection that has been established before so we can just ride it....
How to make your custom input fields for your WordPress posts
By default there are some basic input fields and options for your wordpress posts when you want to publish a post, such as title and the post text itself, categories and the rest. These basic fields is only useful for making simple blog by adding...
Unity touch screen touchpad script to transform any objects easily
In this blog post I will share a new script that I’ve made to create a touch screen touchpad in our Unity game to control object’s transformations such as position, rotation and scale, easily. I call this script TNObjectTransformTouchpad. Here is it: How to use...
How to sort recent WordPress posts using custom order based on anything
I was trying to figure out how to make custom order of posts lists in our WordPress website. It’s confusing at first, because what I need to do is to sort my posts ordered by custom meta box field of my posts. In other words,...
How to access your localhost website running with XAMPP from another devices (like Android phone)
Hi there, I know you often develop an online websites on your local environment using local webserver such as XAMPP before you deploy it on real web server online. Sometimes you need to access your local website that is running on localhost for example in...
How to develop a WordPress plugin : Very Simple Way
Basically making a WordPress plugin is very easy. If you know the basic, you can make it super complicated, depending on what you want to achieve. First Step: Make the directory and plugin file To make a plugin, simply create a directory inside wp-content->plugins folder...
How to retrieve current database name, user and password of a WordPress site
When you are working on WordPress development (theme deelopment or plugin development), probably you will need to retrieve current website database name, database user and password. To get those information you can write these lines on your theme/plugin: The last three lines will echo the...
Unity Slider to Object Rotation Script Tutorial
In this blog post I will share a handy and yet very simple script to help you using Unity Slider UI to rotate an object, such as camera or any object, by changing the value of your slider in Unity Canvas. This script also has...
How to make your Gun and Bullet system for your Unity Game and attach it to FPS Player Controller
This is a basic tutorial about making gun and bullet projectile system for your Unity games. First I showed you how to make a bullet object, making it moving at certain speed, then making it as a prefab so we can fire any amount of...
How to make Unity Fuel System for your Unity car game
Part #1 : Making simple fuel system for my Unity pick up car game In this video you can see how I made a simple fuel system for my game from making a display text on game UI and scripting. I will publish the next...
Unity Left and Right Turn Sign Lights Tutorial
How to make turn right and left signal lights in Unity | Part #1 This video tutorial is about how to make turn right and left signal lights for your car object in Unity. In this part I’ve modified my car mesh and prepared left...
Unity Coin System Tutorial
Part #1 This is my first video of some video series about how to make coin system for our Unity game. In this part I’ll be showing to you how to import 3D coin object to our Unity game, make it a prefab, adding a...