I am using Unity Ads and very happy. Recently there is a newer version of Unity Ads, which is version 4.12.0 and somehow I got problem when exporting my game as Android apk. I realized that this update is useless to me. I tried to downgrade to version 4.4.2 and everything is okay just like before. So I told myself, “JUST FORGET THE NEW UPDATE 4.12.0”, because I’m happy with 4.4.2.
So, how to downgrade? Here is the way: Remove the package (Advertisement Legacy) completely from Package Manager. Then on your project files, find Packages/manifest.json file then add this line: “com.unity.ads”: “4.4.2” as a dependency. Then go back to your Unity Editor and it will install that version of Unity Ads (Advertisement Legacy) without even going to package manager window, because Editor automatically detect what you typed in manifest.json file.
I hope this post useful to you.