How to install macOS Catalina in your PC or Laptop using VMWare

For a poor guy like me especially when I want to develop iOS apps, I should have a Mac to install XCode and begin developing apps.

But fortunately, there is an opportunity to me to install macOS in my existing PC using VMWare!

Here is the way how I install Virtual Mac in my PC:

1. Install VMWare.

For you who don’t have VMWare, just Google it and find out how to download and install it.

2. Install VMWare unlocker, to make it able to work with macOS. Click this link to get the unlocker:

3. Download the macOS ISO file / disk image file. Grab this torrent file and download your choice of ISO.

Oh ya, don’t forget to edit the VMX file with your text editor, and do these:

smbios.reflectHost = “TRUE”
hw.model = “MacBookPro14,3”
board-id = “Mac-551B86E5744E2388”
smc.version = “0”
ulm.disableMitigations = “TRUE”

ethernet0.virtualDev = “vmxnet3”

And then just follow my video instruction…

Instruction Video

Hope you like it!

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